Case Study:

Heartland Commercials

As Senior Director of Marketing, I led the creation of video marketing content for Heartland. Aiming to attract Millennial audiences during the company rebrand, I infused personality and relatability into these broadcast-quality ads. The result was statistically the most engaging content ever produced at Heartland.

What Will You Do With Your Old Terminal?

After the switch to chip-based credit cards, business owners were left with their old, obsolete “swipe” machines. Here are some suggestions for how to repurpose them.

Storyboards for this ad are below.

”Bad Apple Pay”

This shop owner was a bit behind the times in accepting mobile payments. I love the subtle performance by Arif, the barista.

There’s a Better Waitlist Solution

I can’t believe there are still restaurants using these things.

I came up with this concept while sitting in a product meeting and sketched the initial storyboards on the back of the meeting agenda — see below.

Makeshift EMV Shift

Continuing the theme of merchants who are slow to adopt new technology, here’s a creative, DIY approach to accepting chip cards.

My storyboards are below — I refined the illustrations once casting and location had been finalized.